The day before your house move…

…..dont’ forget!

  1. Make sure you have written up a clear room plan for the destination of your furniture and boxes. For example give your new rooms a name or a number and label the appropriate moving box with that name or number. This saves your movers a lot of time when they have taken your items of the moving truck! For example; K – KITCHEN, LR- LIVING ROOM, MB- MASTER BEDROOM. Then put these labels on the door frames of your new house so the movers can see them clearly.
  2. Check all your exits and doorways before you go to bed. Your items are far more likely to get damaged if your movers don’t have good access for continual movement of awkward pieces of furniture on your moving day. And they could take up valuable time negotiating doors if there are too many items restricting the opening. For example shoe racks and coat stands or coats hung behind the door not packed in boxes!
  3. Make sure the nuts and bolts have been taped to your beds and wardrobes if you have dismantled the items yourself. Make sure drawers under beds are emptied and removed ready for your movers. Tape your bed slates together so they don’t get lost in cargo! Have large bags ready for the morning for all your duvets and sheets!
  4. If you have sufficient space downstairs bring some items downstairs in order to save valuable time on the day. Your keys will be released usually between 12-2.30pm. So every moment you save your movers is time you can be going to fetch your new keys or finishing the last bits of cleaning before your new tenants enter.
  5. Invite your movers around the day before for a visit so they now where they may or may not start first thing in the morning. This can save valuable time getting a good start the following morning!
  6. Set aside all your personal effects and documents you will need to hand on moving day. For example find a place and instruct your movers not to take from there and make it memorable so when all the chaos starts you can quickly go back and retrieve phones, wallets etc
  7. Do one last sweep of all your cupboards, lofts and drawers for the items that may have slipped your notice and do a final box of odds and ends.

Finally don’t forget the garden! have you left any pots, plants or furniture you will need to take with you?